2022-Academy Overview-Rapid Developer Course

Mendix Crash Course

Combine self-paced learning with expert guidance to achieve your first Mendix Certificate! 

On Demand
9:00 - 16:00 CET
10 seats available
€ 650

We have designed this course for developers who have at least some general knowledge about databases, agile work and programming terminology. We appreciate that you struggle to take off 3 full days to follow a Rapid Developer Course. We also appreciate that you can use some expert guidance along the way instead of following an online learning path individually.



In a 5 day window you will have the chance to follow a self-paced learning path from Mendix (about 16 hours estimated effort), but you will not be on your own. We will start with a joint kick off where a certified trainer gives a short introduction about the Mendix ecosystem and explains the timeline. During the day, you will be able to ask questions to the trainer via email/chat and at the end of each day, you can join a Q&A session. At the end of day 5 you will have the opportunity to participate in a final session discussing your experience and talk about potential use cases related to your business. At any time during these 5 days or any time after the course, you can take the free Rapid Developer Exam to acquire your first level in Mendix certification.

What will you learn?
  • The power of the Mendix ecosystem and how to use it
  • Capturing project requirements and translating them to an app
  • Building apps with Mendix Studio Pro
  • How Mendix covers security, validation and account handling 


Micha Friede
Academy Trainer

Micha has been working with Mendix since 2011 in various roles and has become an expert developer. Next to delivering applications, he has always looked at transferring knowledge to other people.

As of June 2023 he is a full-time Academy trainer and is now an Advanced Certified Trainer

13:00 - 13:30 CET
Day 1 - Kick off
16:00 - 17:00 CET
Day 2 - 4 - Q&A Session
16:00 - 17:00 CET
Day 5 - Round up
09:00 -16:00 CET
Every day - ask questions via email/chat
Training Centrum Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Euroweg 100
3825 HD Amersfoort
The Netherlands

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For whom?
  • Anyone with experience in software development and wants to learn about Mendix
2022-Academy Overview-Rapid Developer Course