2022-Academy Overview-Teamcenter-min

NX Finite Element Analysis

Utilize the Pre/Post functionality in Siemens NX to create better products

09:00 - 16:00 CET
Sandvika (NO)
6 seats left

It is said that "Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands." Are your designs strong enough, or are they over-engineered?


NX has a comprehensive suite of tools for Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The Pre/Post environment is tailored made to be used with your favorite FEA-solver. But how does it work?

This course is aimed at users who have a fundamental understanding of solid modeling in NX, but who want to analyze their designs with regards to strength, resonance or thermodynamics

This course is on demand: Please e-mail academy@clevr.com for questions or more information. If you sign up now, we will contact you for a suitable date

What will you learn?
  • Starting the Pre/Post environment
  • Selecting solvers and type of analysis
  • Simplifying your model
  • Meshing and materials
  • Applying loads and constraints
  • Solving
  • Analyzing results
  • Special meshes
Training Centrum Oslo, Norway Sandviksveien 147

NO-1337 Sandvika

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For whom?

New users of Siemens NX.​

2022-Academy Overview-Teamcenter-min