Succes stories
Optime Subsea



Optime Subsea, a leader in the subsea oil and gas industry, aimed to revolutionize the sector with innovative technology. Recognizing their unique position in the engineering-to-order business, they understood that each project's complexity required meticulous record-keeping and history tracking. Their goal was not just to meet customer expectations but to exceed their own standards. They realized they were venturing into the business of maintaining their records, reliability information, and service life cycle management.



Optime Subsea was looking for a ready-to-use solution to help them focus on their core business. They explored Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) but found no single system that met all their needs.

That's when they met CLEVR who offered new ways to use Teamcenter that Optime Subsea hadn't considered before. This partnership aligned perfectly with Optime’s philosophy of having a holistic view of their business, which included not only designing but also integrating other solutions. Optime Subsea partnered with CLEVR to navigate the complexities of their business model. The partnership focused on utilizing digital tools efficiently and effectively. They wanted to avoid spending their entire budget trying to integrate different platforms. Instead, they aimed to cleverly use these tools to work in parallel and improve their operations.

CLEVR introduced them to the concept of digital twinning and service life cycle management. Initially, they chose the Microsoft ecosystem and Azure as their platforms for integration. They also used citizen developer tools like Power BI and Power Automate for insights and automation.

Most of their requirements and documents came from their ERP system and Teamcenter. They were looking for a solution that could help them manage these materials more efficiently. That's when CLEVR presented a supplier portal solution. The portal allowed the supplier to log in and view Teamcenter data, making the process of communication and document transfer much easier.

The solution was an overlay on Optime Subsea's business process, allowing the data to remain secure while letting suppliers collaborate directly into their data source. This approach ensured the security of their data and streamlined the process of document transfer.

Moreover, they realized the need for a business process integration layer above the application layer. It wasn't the low-code that CLEVR was pitching that made the difference, but the uniformity of business processes and overlaying agile integration on a function-by-function need. This insight led them to operate integration by pushing and pulling data in different systems to a centralized user interface that was web-enabled and device-independent.



The partnership with CLEVR and the implementation of their solution transformed Optime Subsea's operations. They managed to streamline their processes, secure their data, and improve their collaboration with suppliers. The uniformity of business processes and agile integration also enabled them to manage change effectively, making them faster and more cost-effective than their competitors.

Optime Subsea's investment in this roadmap has positioned them for continued success in the subsea oil and gas industry. The company strongly recommends CLEVR for other businesses. They believe that suppliers are part of their team and investing in them is a strategic move. They have been giving insights to other customers who could benefit from using the same tools that CLEVR provided.



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